Bull Shit 08 | 1993
48,5 x 34 cm, 8 Seiten
Verlag: Mudima, Milano
Vom Herausgeber Gino di Maggio aufgefordert, eine Ausgabe der Künstlerzeitschrift bull shit zu gestalten, tat sich Takako schwer: „In the toilet, a few months ago, I started to think for the bull shit what to write“. Neben Schwarzweißfotos ihrer Arbeiten und Zeichnungen füllen kleine Notizen über diese Aufgabe die Seiten – und immer wieder Skrupel und Zweifel an dieser Aufgabe: I like to do a drawing of a sleeping man. And he murmurs: „I prefer to sleep now“ und weiter: It is a bit to much for me now
Bull Shit 08
Asked by the editor Gino di Maggio to design an issue of the artist magazine bull shit, Takako had a hard time: In the toilet, a few months ago, I started to think for the bull shit what to write. Alongside black and white photos of her work and drawings, small notes about this task fill the pages – and again and again scruples and doubts about this task: I like to do a drawing of a sleeping man. And he murmurs, „I prefer to sleep now“ and further: It is a bit too much for me now.
At the end of her notes, she lets the reader know: I thought writing something more like a spoon talks to a fork. But, I have nothing to say any more.